Monday, August 12, 2013

Columbus Wine Festival | 2013

   Via Vecchia Winery had not attended a wine festival in about two years. With weddings nearly every weekend, business for the venue space had been occupying much of the available time. Without complaint though, the business of love is the best of any to be involved in~  
Inspiring it usually is to be surrounded by so many happy faces, all joined together for one special occasion, the celebration of love-
The celebration for the love of wine, in this case..
The winery was thrilled to share all-natural wines at the Columbus Wine Festival hosted by Giant Eagle at Franklin Park Conservatory this year!
Via Vecchia has been crushing the list on re-vino-lizing their presence in the wine market, so having this opportunity to share and connect with wine lovers was a wonderful experience.
The winery provided goodie bags with buttons, educational hand-outs on natural wine and little biscotti treats to enjoy with tastings.
During setup, Paolo and Lindsay, noticed that a toy Tank Driver had somehow managed to come along for the journey. He was missing a few limbs, but still ready for the show - Maybe it was a metaphor.
The sunshine all weekend was perfect, creating an exceptionally beautiful environment in the garden arena that the festival took place in. There were over 100 different vendors there, including businesses, wine, beer and even a few food trucks near parking. Live music and a showcased wine speaker, Joseph Carr from California, added to perks of attending this two day affair.
The winery set up their small table for a big weekend, bringing along all four of Via Vecchia's distinct red wines. Chilling Trovato, the Sangiovese Pinot Noir blend, made a unique choice for those who enjoy reds and needed to cool down, or for those whom typically enjoyed white wines.

People stayed engaged when they visited the booth. Sharing the process of making all-natural wine inspired questions and spurred conversation. The winery provided details in a positive fashion, offering up taste theories, descriptions of the wines as well as family heritage that told the story of how Via Vecchia Winery came to be.  
The community was alive, there were smiles with sipping all around. One gentleman lent a hand to display the fun you could have with sediment you find on the cork from a bottle of unfiltered wine.
The week of the festival, Via Vecchia had a small promotion on their Facebook page and selected three winners to be their guests. All three pairs visited the booth, grabbed a goodie bag and sipped wines in support.
A huge THANK YOU to Brad Pauquette, Paul Utrata and Amanda Snavley for participating and coming to support!

All in all, it seemed that Trouve was the crowd favorite of the weekend. Trovato, being chilled and refreshing was close in that category next to Jorro-Ma which many people favored for chance it tasted like port after being aged for almost three years.
We are still following-up on all of the fantastic connections we made that weekend, hopefully this will be the first of more festivals in our future.

Keeping the grape vines growing and the red wine flowing. 

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