Tuesday, June 04, 2013

Vino Visualizations

    Already this year, Via Vecchia Winery has opened their doors to many diverse private & corporate events, including a record amount of weddings. Seeing the expansive space used by the community in creative ways is always exciting, however lately it seems folks are asking " Is this really a winery? " while peaking around corners.

"Yes, this is a winery!"

Is always the answer.

     In fact, the vino visualizations for this year are the strongest most organized yet- Via Vecchia Winery has decided to take the leap to create a production focused room known as 'Narnia' where all of the machinery & wine making supplies will live, including empty bottles that will soon be filled with a few more unique wines to join the following originals that have been featured throughout the years-

Trovato~ SanGiovese Pinot Noir Blend
Light, Floral Smooth Fruit Taste

Adamo~ SanGiovese Cabernet Franc Blend
Light to Medium, Peppery Spiced Taste

Jorro-Ma~ Syrah
Medium, Rich Smokey Earth Taste

Trouve~ Merlot Cabernet Franc Cabernet Sauvignon
Medium to Heavy (changes during course), Dry Pungent Taste

Product is always available for purchase at Via Vecchia Winery, Whole Foods & Celebrate Local. If you would like details on locations or to arrange a larger purchase, please feel free to contact them!

     Via Vecchia has finally barreled Charbono from California, of which there are only 30 acres of in the country; A very special thank you to Joe Mercurio of Mercurio Produce Distributors for helping this varietal become a reality. This should be ready for tasting in about two years, which is the standard time-frame of ageing. We also transferred our signature Trouve, building more stock of this crowd favorite.

In summary, the cork is popped & the bottle is pouring for fresh ideas- Production is steady as always, a stronger taste for balance between events and wine retail is developing more than ever this year. So, as answered above "Yes, this is a winery!" & Via Vecchia plans to prove this point by keeping those glasses full!


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